Easeran herbal unani medicine teaches that Natural Systems, which includes the human body, are simply too complex to ever by understood as a whole, by only looking at their individual component parts. Thus unani medicine uses a logistics set of principles that make it easy for a practitioner of unani medicine to turn a diagnosis into a treatment procedure.
In Unani medicine there are two aspects or principles that are very important, these are:
- The life force of thymos (also called pneuma by some authors) and
- The four vital essences or humors. In disease the thymos or the humors may be too little thymos or life force, or too much in the body or in a part of the body the life force or thymosis primanly affected by the emotions, but can also be affected by age or disease problems which the humors in the body or in a part of the body or too little of a humor, or the humor may be corrupted by a poison or a invasive micro organism. Humors are affected to some extend by the life force, or thymos and to a greater extend by the food we eat, the beverages we drink and by the external influences. Such as the environment.
How does a practitioner of Eastern Herbal Unani medicine Diagnose Health Conditions?
Firstly the practitioner, which is called a Physician in the west and al Hakim else where has to take a full case history. This will have many aspects, but generally includes observation of the patient, but generally includes observation of the patient, e.g. Observing a patients posture and listening to their voice observing the tongue and its coating, the eyes the hands (Sin color etc) and finger nails, it also almost always involves taking the pulse, which often takes a little time, as the practitioner does not just take the pulse rate, but also took for subtle changes in the pulse that may indicate present or threatening health conditions. In addition the practitioner may press reflexes, which are mainly located on the hands, feet or outer ears.
How health conditions are treated in eastern herbal unani medicines?
Treatment usually involves some dietary approaches, but in most cases includes Herbal Medicine, which in the case of unani Medicine also includes mineral substances Generally also some work will be done on specific body reflexes, most commonly by massage but in the case of musculoskeletal problem (e.g. arthritis, back pain) also be manipulation or by the application of cold, heat or suction sups serious and acute diseases may in rare instances by treated by puncturing certain reflex points, during with a few drops of blood are released. Hippocrates belived that when ever and where ever possible, medicine should be gentle and safe, and this is the main objective of unani medicine. In unani medicine, thousands of years of experience and its practice by some of the greatest minds the world has ever known, have ensured that it is not only a safe and gentle medicine but has unsure passed efficacy in the treatment of many acute and chronic conditions.