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Psoriasis is a skin disease that typically consists of red patches covered by silvery-white scales. These red scaly patches are usually found on the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp although not infrequently patches appear elsewhere including the nails, when psoriasis involves the groin, armpits, genital area and beneath the breasts it tends to be less scaly and have a glazed appearance. Psoriasis infrequently affects the face, it does not cause scarring and rarely results in hair loss.

Psoriasis is very common. Approximately 2% of adults have psoriasis. Its exact cause is unknown but the result is skin which grown about seven times more quickly and thickly than usual. It is though to be due, atleast in part, to an abnormal immune reaction against some component of skin. Genetic factors play a part, only some families develop the condition and about half those affected know of some are else in the family with it.

The rash often seems to start after some sort of trigger factor. This may be emotional stress. Skin injury (Cuts and Scratches) these factors should be avoided when ever possible by people with psoriasis. It is not due to any particular food so special diets are not helpful. Unless excessive weight is making psoriasis of the skin creases some trouble some. Excessive alcohol aggravates psoriasis. Psoriasis is not an allergy, nor is it infectious to others. About 5% of patients with psoriasis also develop inflammatory joint diseases, known as psoratic arthrits


Prostate Problems: The most common ailment of men.

The Prostate is a walnut-sized gland that surrounds the urethra, which carrier urine away from the bladder. The prostate is the most common site of disorders in the male Genito-urinary System. Generally speaking, there are three conditions that cdan cause problems with the prostate: (i) Prostatitis , which is inflammation of the prostate gland; (ii) Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) , which is an enlarged prostate with no signs of cancer; and (iii) prostate cancer .

The first condition i.e. Prostatitis , or inflammation of gland, is mot common in young men. There are three types of prostatitis: Acute infectious prostatitis , Chronic infectious prostatitis , and non-infectious prostatitis . The acute and chronic infectious prostatitis occurs due to infection and the symptoms include a bladeer infection resulting in discomfort & burning micturition etc. and the cause of non-infectious prostatitis is not known, which is experienced by difficult urination/ ejaculation and lower abdominal pain. All types of prostatitis, if untreated can lead to impotency and difficulty in urination.

The second condition i.e Benign hypertrophy of Prostate is the gradual enlargement of the prostate. It occurs in approximately half of all men over the age of fifty and three quarters of men over seventy years of age and is largely attributable to hormonal change as associated with aging. A hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) tends to accumulate in the prostate causing cells to harden and enlarge and thereby creating resistance to the flow of urine from bladder. This conditions is known as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) . This is a non-cancerous condition.

The main symptom in BPH is the inability to completely and freely urinate. Typically the afflicted man needs to get out of bed several times at night to urinate but finds his urine is minimal and often returns to bed with a full bladder. The long term effects can lead to kidney, bladder, and urinary tract infections and in severe cases lead to permanent kidney damage.

Testing for prostatitis and enlarge prostate usually involves a digital rectal exam plus a blood test that screens for levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a protein secreted by the prostate.

The third condition that is Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Canadian men and the 2 nd leading cause of Cancer death. This disease is mot common on older men, with 80% of cases of prostate cancer occurring in men over age 65. The possible symptoms of prostate cancer can include pain or a burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, a decrease in the size and force of urine, and continuing lower back, pelvic or (supra) public discomfort. However, the disease often causes no symptoms al all until it reaches an advanced stage and/or spreads outside the gland. In addition, these symptoms most often are caused not by cancer, but by an enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia. Early detection can make it possible to catch the cancer before it spreads to other sites of the body. It is recommended that every man should have an annual rectal exam beginning at age fifty. A blood test to detect elevated levels of a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an excellent screening test for prostate cancer. A PSA test result between 0 and 4 is considered to be within the normal range. A level between 4 and 10 may raise a doctor's suspicion and scores above 50 may indicate a tumor that has spread to elsewhere in the body.

Now I would like to give some tips for prevention of prostate troubles which include diet and lifestyle changes:-

(i). LOW FAT/HIGH PROTEIN DIET: A healthy diet plays an important role in prostate health. Aim for a diet that is moderately high in proteins (44% of your calories should be protein) since a high protein diet may inhibit the production of (5-alpha-reductase) the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. Also look for a diet that is low in carbohydrates, low in animal fats, and high in essential fatty acids. Look for whole, unprocessed foods, and eat plenty of sunflower or pumpkin seeds each day. Add raw tomatoes to your diet.

(ii) PUSH THE FLUIDS: Drink plenty of fluids. Adequate fluid intake can help prevent bladder infections, cystitis, and kidney problems that are often associated with an enlarged prostate.

(iii) INCREASE YOUR FIBER: More fiber in the diet may reduce the risk of prostate cancer by lowering the levels of reproductive hormones in the body.

(iv) INCLUDE SOY IN YOUR DIET: Soy may decrease the chance of getting prostate cancer by reducing troublesome cholesterol levels.

Lifestyle Changes:

1. SCHEDULE AN ANNUAL PROSTATE EXAM: Annual prostate exams from your family doctors can help catch problems early and diagnosis and treat pre-existing problems such as an enlarged prostate, prostatitis and prostate cancer.

2. MAINTAIN YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT: If you need to lose weight do it. Studies show that men with 43 inch waist or greater were 50% more likely than normal weight men to suffer from prostate enlargement.

3. ABSTAIN FROM ALCOHOL: Studies have shown that higher the alcohol intake the more likely a man suffers from prostate enlargement. So abstain from Beer & Alcohol. Caffeine and sugar should also be avoided or moderated.

4. KEEP YOUR CHOLESTEROL DOWN: Free radical damaged cholesterol may play a role in stimulating the prostate cell formation that may cause an enlarged prostate so it is important to keep your cholesterol level within a healthy range.

With regard to the Herbal treatment for prostate troubles, the Herbal approach is essentially a constitutional and individualistic treatment. The Herbal treatment is determined after evaluation of the patient's case in detail. Various aspects of patient's life style, personality, food habits, emotional make up, personal and family history are evaluated appropriately to decide correct medicines to treat Prostate troubles.


The formula contains sphaeranthus indicuslinn (Gul-Mundi) as its principal ingredient, fortified with selected herbs, known for their resolvent, anti-inflammatory and immunoslimuilant properties the active constituents of the herbs used is “PROSTO CURE” include akalioids, Sphaeranthol, Methyl Chavicol, a-ionone, a-codinene. The herbal formulation of “PROSTO CURE” comprises hand-selected herbs by professional herbalists to keep the prostate gland healthy. It is a useful herbal formula to help maintain normal functioning of the prostate gland and its allied activities. The particularly active herbal ingredients of “PROSTO CURE” possess various advantages and legendary properties which are highly valued by oganing adults and person with demanding and busy life styles.

The whole range of herbs includes in “PROSTO CURE” are sourced from centuries old oriental wisdom harnessing the bounty of nature the effects are surprising for modern pharmaceutical experts. In most cases of prostate problems “PROSTO CURE” helps keep the system in proper health. No toxic results have been reported from the use of prescribed quality of prosto cure oqueous extract for specific recommended duration.

ADMINISTRATION:- Add one dose (Approx. 6 grams of “PROSTO CURE” to one cup of boiling water, sleep for five minutes and strain. Take one cup of strained liquid breakfast and one cup before sleeping at night.


Margosa Tree:

It has been used as an insecticide and insect repellent and in traditional medicines to treat skin diseases. The stem, root, bark and young fruit of this tree are use as a tonic and astringent. Any product that acts as a moisturizer can be helpful to psoriasis. If some one make this medicine through the process of Tibb_Unani under supervision of qualified unani herbalist, it gives good results.

Aloe is a member of the lily family and is a common house plant although there are approximately 500 species of aloe. The best known is aloe-vera. Alove-vera looks like a cactus but has soft leaves. The fluid contained in the leaves has been used for centuries for such skin problems as burno and minor wounds to advance wound healing today aloe gel is used frequently as an ingredient in cosmetics, creams, ointments. A controlled double-blind study published in 1996 in tropical medicine and international Health found that aloe-vera was very effective herb in the treatment of psoriasis.



Meleain is one of the pigments, which is not only necessary for the normal color of the skin but also projects in from infection. And destruction of melanin results. And destruction of melanin results in Leucoderma. The disease is characterized by localized to segmental hypomelanosis (less synthesis of melanin) which occasionally may become so extensive that it covers the whole body. Characteristic distribution patterns of Leucoderma involves extensor surfaces, bony prominence ( viz. on elbows, knees so mall joints in the hands) and the area around eyes and mount. The lower back, axilla, wrist, genitals palms and soles and mucks membrance are often affected.

Although the exact reason behind Leucoderma is yet not known but evidences show that its presence is related to the area where destruction of melanocyte, take place other associated conditions may be the sunburn. Fungal or bacterial infections.

Most of the Leucoderma patients are healthy but prone to other infection due to the absence of melanin. The course is unpredictable and capricious lesions may remain stationary self healing or progressive.

Children and youths of both sexes are more vulnerable to this disease. Prognosis is better in young patients, early lesions and hairy areas re-pigmentation is spontaneous or therapy induced and in caused by re-population of de-pigmented skin with melanocytes from the hair follicles or the adjoining normal skin. Many suffering Leucoderma patients were registered for treatment at our clinic last year. Majority of patients were cured and took 6 months to 12 months. We prepared special herbal compound for Leucoderma patients.

252 Moston Lane.
Moston Manchester
M40 9WF, UK
Tel : +44(0)1612220992
Fax: +44(0)7984229845
E-mail: syedherbalist@yahoo.com